Thursday, December 30, 2010

Holidays are Over!

Well nearly over.  You should have already thought about your health plans for the new year.  I am NOT talking about 'I am going to get in shape' type of plan.  You need something more concrete!  SMART goals.  Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timed.

A SMART goal is:
Who/What/When:  I am going to lose at least 5 pounds in three months and keep that weight off for the remainder of my life.

Why:  I want to maintain and/or improve my health through self management and not have to rely on prescriptions and doctors to fix preventable issues before they become problems.  I want to live independently.  I want to have confidence, feel younger, move more freely, reduce pain, prevent injury, and reduce illness.

How:  I am going to incorporate more physical activity into my life everyday by either parking further, taking the stairs, doing 20 squats a day, dedicating time to strengthening my body or seeing a personal trainer.

Stop waiting around until you are sick and in pain.  Manage your life responsibly.  Move more, eat healthier, sleep enough, and start feeling better.

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